


Sculptra® is a non-surgical, FDA-approved injectable treatment designed to stimulate collagen production in the body. Made from a biocompatible, synthetic substance called poly-L-lactic acid, Sculptra® works gradually, ensuring natural-looking results that can last up to two years or more.

Sculptra® for the Face


  1. Volume Restoration: Addresses hollow cheeks, deep folds, and volume loss due to aging.

  2. Wrinkle Reduction: Smoothens out deep facial wrinkles, particularly marionette lines, smile lines, and chin wrinkles.

  3. Collagen Boost: By stimulating collagen growth, Sculptra® offers a gradual, lasting enhancement to the skin's texture and elasticity.


The treatment session is relatively quick and involves a series of small injections into the targeted facial areas. Post-treatment, patients might experience minor swelling, tenderness, or redness, which usually subside within a few days.

Sculptra® for the Buttocks

Often termed a 'non-surgical butt lift', Sculptra® for the buttocks is becoming increasingly popular for those desiring enhancement without the invasiveness of surgery.


  1. Volume Augmentation: Provides a subtle lift and contouring effect to the buttocks.

  2. Texture Improvement: Diminishes the appearance of cellulite and uneven skin textures on the buttocks.

  3. Non-Invasive: No anesthesia, implants, or lengthy recovery time involved.


Sculptra® for the buttocks involves a series of injections into the desired enhancement areas. Depending on individual goals, several sessions might be required for optimal results. As with the facial procedure, some minor swelling or tenderness is normal post-treatment.